Navigating Screentime with Kids: 5 Smart Strategies for Modern Parents

Screen time has become a big topic of conversation and concern for parents. Learning how to discuss the benefits of technology and its drawbacks is a part of managing screen time for kids.

Screens have a great impact on their physical, mental, emotional and social well-being due to their seamless integration into our daily lives.

Here are five parenting tips on how to navigate our digital world with tech-savvy kiddos:

Encourage appropriate, kid-friendly content

Explore educational apps and programs that align with your child's age and interests. There are many online platforms that offer entertaining and enriching content that make learning engaging and fun for children!

Create screen-free zones

Designate specific areas at home where screens are not allowed, such as the dining room or bedrooms. This can help kids understand that screens shouldn't be constantly used even if they are easily accessible to make space for quality family time without distractions.

Establish tech-free times

Choose certain times of the day where screens cannot be used, such as during dinner or before bedtime. This promotes healthy screen habits, family bonding, and sleep hygiene for everyone involved!

Engage in digital co-play

Make screen time into a shared experience by engaging in online activities together. Playing a video game, watching a video, or exploring the HeyKiddo app with each other can provide valuable, supervised play.

Have family talks about screen time

Discuss the importance of indoor and outdoor play with and without screens, be curious about the types of content they enjoy engaging with, and share any benefits, drawbacks and concerns you have. This approach helps children understand the reasoning behind screen time limits that are linked to family values.

It can be difficult to maintain a balanced approach to screen time nowadays, so let us be here to support you through it.


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