Turning Small Talk Into Skill Building — How HeyKiddo Boosts Self-Esteem, Mindset, Resiliency, and More

For Parents: Did you know that emotional learning doesn't need to be difficult? HeyKiddo brings these skills to the table through conversation guides — research, easy implementation, and ultra-focused skills making the simple lessons extremely effective.

For PTAs: Looking for a way to bring social-emotional learning, leadership, and coping skills to your students without putting more on teachers’ plates? HeyKiddo does just that through easy, no-prep lessons that are built on research and ultra-focused on the needs of kids today.

For Principals: SEL, leadership skills, coping mechanisms — students need these lessons, but how can you fit them into an already jam-packed school day? HeyKiddo’s research-based, well-focused emotional development curriculum may be able to help your teachers do just that.

#1: Research

Years and years of research led to the founding of this product. Funded in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation, we set out to discover what it is that parents and teachers need to help students build healthy social, emotional, leadership, and coping skills.

Our answer? They need the right words to evoke powerful conversations.

On top of the initial research, our team is founded by and made up of world-recognized psychologists, educators, and child specialists who share fact-based insights with us every day.

#2: Easy Implementation

There’s already so much to teach at home and in the classroom. If we’re going to be successful in adding mental wellness skills, we’ll have to be quick.

That’s why all of our lessons can be completed in 15 minutes or less.

For parents, our conversation starters and guides are easy to work into everyday conversations.

At school, our lessons work for both virtual and in-person learning environments; they require no planning, prep, or supplies.

#3: Focusing on Skills That Students Need

Perhaps the most important piece of HeyKiddo is our ability to zero in on the social, emotional, leadership, and coping skills and competencies that students need in today’s world.

We aim to make a tangible difference in childrens’ lives — specifically in their mental well-being and how they react to the stressors they’ll face as they learn and grow.

We looked at the world around us, especially the skills that young adults in our society seem to be lacking today, and built a curriculum as a solution. Our lessons and conversations help children with:

  • Resilience

  • Mindfulness

  • Self-awareness, self-management, and self-regulation

  • Critical thinking, problem-solving, and responsible decision making

  • Self-control, impulse control, and self-efficacy

  • Relationship skills, social awareness, and resolving conflict in social situations

  • And more social-emotional skills

If you’re ready to learn more about HeyKiddo and how it can help your children with social-emotional development and more, contact our team today. We’d love for our SEL program to make a difference in your home or classroom — one simple but effective lesson at a time.


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