Your Cure for the Summertime To-Dos

For kids across the country, the end of a terrible-no-good-very-bad school year is coming to a close, marking the beginning of a hopeful summer filled with fun, travel, and everything else the pandemic put on pause.

Adults might also be feeling the pressure to make the most of the season.

Feelings of fear ("What if we go into lockdown again"), guilt ("The kids missed so much - I want to give them everything!"), or sadness ("I just want to make them happy") might lead to over-scheduling and burnout.

If you've ever brought more than 5 books to a beach vacation thinking there will be time enough to read them all, you know what we're talking about.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you set family goals with your family this season.

Everyone Needs a Rest Sometimes

It can be tempting to load up on summertime activities to keep everyone busy. And if this works for your family, by all means keep at it!

Sometimes we load up though because of what we think we and our kids need, when what might be best…is rest.

That might look like a lot of doing nothing and that's okay. Give your kiddos a chance to sleep in and do what makes them happy during the day.

30% Parenting is Good Enough

A lot of parents in the HeyKiddo™ community told us that their parenting self-esteem took a hit during the pandemic.

Having to break bad news to kids, not knowing the right choice to make, or letting our own feelings get in the way of parenting as our best selves lends itself to playing "catch up" in the good times.

Resist the urge to prove you're the best parent ever by overcompensating with fun and good times this summer.

Research shows that doing what you can to cover basic needs (or, "good enough" parenting) is what's required to set kids up for success. You don't have to go all out to have a big impact.

Start with something small like taking time on a weekday morning for breakfast with your family, or watch a movie together with special treats.

Set Good Enough Goals

Trust us, we're no strangers to the mile-long list of family summer goals. We're also no strangers to that disappointed and guilty feeling when the "back to school" sales start without ever catching fireflies at dusk or taking a family trip to the beach.

The best way to avoid that feeling is to keep your expectations low.

What's one thing that your family really wants to do this summer? Do that. Let everything else be a bonus.

The best gift we can give ourselves, our kids, and our families is a chance to experience mindful time together. Ditch the to do lists and think about what would make this the most relaxing, restorative, and rejuvenating season yet.


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